Newest Release



Matilda "Til" Beemis spent most of her 92 years in service to others. Her unwavering devotion to her family cost her a life with the man she loved. Not one to dwell on what couldn't be changed, Til focused on bettering the lives of those around her.

She will admit--but only to herself--that sometimes she feels a pang of envy when she sees a young couple in love or a woman with her whole life spread out before her like a pretty quilt.

An encounter with a mysterious stranger offers Til a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: a chance to start over and begin anew as a young woman.




        Newest Release


May is blooming plants, sunshine, and warmer temps. Maybe that's why I ❤️ it so much. Although I have no releases this month, I'm enjoying all the wonderful reviews for THE ENCHANTED MUSIC BOX.  Please know just how much I appreciate your kind words on that book (and any of my books)  I realize posting a review takes time out of your busy day, but it is VERY much appreciated. Just FYI- THE YOUTH ELIXIR will be released on 6/2...and I know you're going to LOVE it!


April is a favorite month because three very special family members have birthdays this month!  I also love April because the weather is finally starting to warm up and I can tell Spring is really on the way.  This month, I'll be welcoming Spring with two special sales. On April 10-14, SECOND CHANCE FAMILY (a favorite book of mine in the Jackson Hole series) will be FREE. Then, on April 22-26, my daughter's favorite book in the GraceTown series, THE LOVE TOKEN, will be FREE.  Don't miss out on these fabulous deals!


Thank you for all the love you've been showing THE ENCHANTED MUSIC BOX. This book was a blast to write and had me sighing with happiness at the end. Though I have to admit that it did bring me to tears at several points. I hope you enjoy reading it even half as much as I enjoyed writing it.


February is here and the excitement is building for the March 4th release of THE ENCHANTED MUSIC BOX!  Early reviews from readers like you say this book in the GraceTown series is another winner!  Remember that while each book in the series can stand alone, I think you'll love seeing characters from earlier stories again.  And for Kindle Unlimited subscribers, the book is FREE. So binge the entire series.


Happy New Year!  I'm excited to jump into 2024.  I plan on doing more writing and more reading.  Doesn't that sound like a fabulous New Year's resolution? On the 10th I'll be bringing you some unbelievable deals on one of my favorite series. If you want to keep informed of all these deals, just sign up for my newsletter (and get a free book) or follow my author page on Facebook! 


When a woman's plans for a tropical Christmas getaway are foiled by travel mishaps, she finds herself stranded in her hometown of Holly Pointe. You won't want to miss CHRISTMAS MOON OVER HOLLY POINTE, a holiday heartwarmer available December 1! 


Uplifting, charming, and totally heartwarming stories